Tuesday, December 19, 2023

NBC11 NEWS drops NBC Branding on-air and from it's website.

Gray Television's NBC stations across the country including 11NEWS, KKCO are removing NBC branding from there stations, it appears as of this morning that 11NEWS has already done so.

It also appears as though most of the national news articles on the 11NEWS website are coming from Gray or CNN News Source, not NBC News.   There is no word at this time as to why Gray NBC stations are removing the network branding.    Will 11NEWS also drop the NBC themed music it has been using for a while?  I would say Yes.  

Gray Television owns & operates 70 NBC affiliate stations across the country.


 Old Logo (2019--2023)         


 New Logo (2023--present)

    KKCO 11 News by Gray Television Group, Inc.                                                                                                       

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

CBS NEWS Colorado's Rick Sallinger has retired from KCNC TV after 30+ years.

CBS NEWS Colorado reporter Rick Sallinger has retired after 30+ years on the air in Denver, first at 9NEWS and then since 1993 at KCNC.  I met Rick several times over the years covering big news stories in south east Denver.   Rick is retiring due to health reasons...

Rick Enjoy your retirement... 


(Rick Sallinger--Photo/KCNC TV/CBS)

Here is the article from 9NEWS talking about Rick:


